Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011 To Be Shown Live On Giant 3D Screens in cinemas, arena

17 May, 2011
Click Here to Watch Rugby World Cup Match's Live Online
The final four matches of Rugby World Cup 2011 will be filmed and shown live in 3D on giant screens in arenas throughout New Zealand as well as at cinemas.
New Zealand company 3DLive has gained permission to bring the action to a new audience apart from the traditional TV viewers.
The playoff for third, the two semifinals and the final will all be shown in state of the art technology.
It means as many as 35,000 fans in major arenas and 5000 in cinemas will get to see the games in 3D.
Ronel Schodt of 3DLive said there was the hope to generate real match atmosphere, particularly at the indoor arenas.
These will be: Vector Arena in Auckland, Claudelands Events centre in Hamilton, the Wellington Town Hall, Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua, Canterbury Arena in Christchurch, the Edgar Centre and Regent Theatre in Dunedin.
"It's just like 40,000 new front row seats have just gone on sale," Schodt said at a launch in Auckland where media got to witness the effects of 3D rugby with snips from Super Rugby and recent Six Nations games.
Tickets go on sale next Tuesday. Arena ticket prices start at $69.90 for the Bronze Medal match rising to $109.90 for premium seating for the final. Schodt said there was also a desire to provide other entertainment on match days.
Cinema prices would range from $40-50 with reduced prices for children under-14. More than 20 cinemas nation-wide will screen the games.
The company will provide nine camera angles and is working on further technology to help with their broadcasts.
The introduction screening today was certainly impressive in its feel for the game, providing a totally different feel and perspective for screened rugby.

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